New plastic-free labels for 2020

As part of our commitment to environmental sustainability we have made one more change this year on our journey to become plastic free. Preserves need to be refrigerated after opening, so paper labels often become damp and wrinkled. Until now we have been using polypropylene (plastic) labels on our jars, locally sourced and locally printed to reduce the carbon footprint in delivering them to us.

We have now worked with our supplier and have gone plastic free for all of our labels! Over the coming year, as our existing stocks are used, we will be replacing them with high quality paper labels. These may cost us a bit more, but we think they are worth it. Hopefully our customers will also notice the difference – they are more “high end” and in keeping with the quality of the preserves we produce are printed on a superior quality matt textured paper.

All of our packaging can be reused or easily recycled – just put the jars straight into your kerbside glass recycling box/bin. If you would like our help with this, simply return the jars to us at an event and we’ll take it from there. With your help we can fulfill our commitment to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.